WhatsApp launched its business version in 2018. Recently, the popular messaging service owned by Facebook announced that it will be charging its business customers for some of the services being offered.
The new ‘Business’ feature lets small and medium businesses to communicate with customers, provide support and sell products directly.
A business owner looking to download the business version of the app needs to follow these steps:
- Download the WhatsApp Business app from Google Play Store
- Verify the business phone number
- Restore backup (if needed)
- Set the business name
- Make the necessary changes by clicking ‘settings’. Expand the business profile by tapping the ‘More Options’ section.
A few significant things to note are:
- The app allows users with their existing WhatsApp Messenger account to shift their accounts, including chat history and media, to their new Business account
- If one decides to stop using the WhatsApp Business app, they cannot migrate the chat history back to WhatsApp Messenger.
- As long as accounts are linked to different phone numbers, WhatsApp Business and WhatsApp Messenger can be used simultaneously. Having one phone number linked to both apps at once is not possible.