Rafta Rafta is a Pakistani 2024 Ramzan Special drama serial aired on Green Entertainment. Saheefa Jabbar and Zaviyar Noman are the lead actors in the drama. It is a comedy-drama serial with a very entertaining story. The drama serial Rafta Rafat airs every Saturday and Sunday at 8:00 PM on Green Entertainment. Abdul Khalid Khan is the director of drama.
Here we have Green Entertainment Pakistani drama Rafta Rafta cast real name, actress, and actors details.
Rafta Rafta Drama Cast Name
Saheefa Jabbar as Sawera
Zaviyar Noman as Hamza
Hina Dilpazir as Sawera’s Mother
Ali Gul Mallah as Hamza’s Boss
Faizan Sheikh and more.
Saheefa Jabbar as Sawera
Saheefa Jabbar performed the lead role of Sawera in the Pakistani drama serial Rafta Rafta. She is a gorgeous Pakistani model turned actress. She is 31 years old. Bhool is one of her most famous dramas.
Zaviyar Noman as Hamza
Zaviyar Noman played the character of Hamza in the Green Entertainment drama Rafta Rafta. He is a young, emerging, and dashing Pakistani actor. Sang-e-Mah is one of his most famous dramas so far.