Mera Dil Mera Dushman is a television series which features popular stars including Alizeh Shah, Noaman Sami, Yasir Nawaz and Anam Tanveer in lead roles.
Mera Dil Mera Dushman is directed by Syed Ali Raza Usama and produced by Humayun Saeed and Samina Humayun Saeed under Six Sigma Plus Productions.
The story of the drama revolves around a girl named Mairah who marries an older man, Zafar for the exchange of money. Noaman Sami as Shahmeer loved Mairah but he is not financially strong to ask for Mairah’s hand.
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Alizeh Shah and Noaman Sami’s couple has been loved by the audience and people loved to watch them on their screens.
The last episode of much-hyped drama serial Mera Dil Mera Dushman aired today and people have a lot to say. The last episode has garnered mixed reactions, some are loving the show while others think that the drama ended in the worst way.
Here is the public reaction: