Ishq e Laa Drama is a social drama that will be aired on Hum TV. Ishq e Laa lead drama cast consist of Sajal Aly, Azaan Sami Khan and Yumna Zaidi. Sajal Aly will appear with an amazing character after a long time. Ishq e Laa is first drama of talented Azaan Sami Khan.
Ishq e Laa Drama Drama Cast
Sajal Aly
Azaan Sami Khan
Yumna Zaidi
Sohail Sameer
Uzma Hassan
Semi Raheel
Leyla Zuberi
Ishq e Laa Writer
Quisiera Hayat has written the exciting story of Ishq e Laa. She is the writer of famous dramas “Alif Allah Aur Insan”, “Dilruba” and “Qaisera Hayat”
Ishq e Laa Director
Amin Iqbal
Ishq e Laa Producer
Momina Duraid
Ishq e Laa Releasing Date
Ishq e Laa drama will be starting from octber 2021 on hum tv.
Ishq e Laa Drama Story
Ishq e Laa’s drama story is full of suspense, romance, and entertainment. Sajal Aly is performing the role of a brave news reporter and her acting is outstanding. Sajal Lay love Aazan Sami Khan and they both face many problems in their life due to disclosing the bad people of society. Yumna Zaidi is performing the role of a lower-middle-class girl, who wants to get higher education. Drama shows the journey of young people of competing with social issues. Azaan Sami Khan will appear first time in a drama serial and his fans are very excited about him with outstanding acting.