“Gentleman” is a new television drama series coming soon on Green Entertainment. It’s directed by Haissam Hussain and produced by Samina Humayun Saeed and Sana Shahnawaz from Next Level Entertainment. The story is written by the famous Pakistani writer Khalil Ur Rehman Qamar. Starring Zahid Ahmed, Sohai Ali Abro, Ahmed Ali Butt, Adnan Siddiqui, Humayun Saeed, and Yumna Zaidi, it’s going to be a must-watch!
Green Entertainment has recently shared the new teasers, trailer and OST of the brilliant upcoming TV show which is all set to be aired on Sunday, 12th May.
Genltemen Teaser 3 featuring Yumna Zaidi, Humayun Saeed and Ahmed Ali Butt:
Teaser 4 featuring the brilliant actors Humayun Saeed and Adnan Siddiqui:
Teaser 5 featuring the brilliant Zahid Ahmed:
Teaser 6 Featuring Ahmed Ali Butt:
Gentleman Official Trailer featuring Atif Aslam’s OST:
Gentleman’s teasers, trailer, and OST are receiving an overwhelming response from the public. Fans are loving the OST, which features Atif Aslam’s soulful voice. They are also praising the impactful dialogues by Khalil Ur Rehman Qamar about love. Many believe that Humayun Saeed, Yumna Zaidi, Atif Aslam, and Khalil Ur Rehman Qamar will create magic together. Fans are also excited for Shehwar and Danish’s reunion in Gentleman. Yumna Zaidi’s fans are welcoming her back to the TV screen after a ten-month gap, hoping for another blockbuster drama. Most of Atif Aslam’s fans intend to watch the drama solely for his OST. Read the comments: